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It has been recently shown that correlations of seismic noise can carry deterministic information about the crust and upper mantle structure along the profile between two seismic stations. We studied the characteristics of the noise cross correlations between 3 Romanian broadband stations. We performed 23 hours-long cross correlations for the period of 5 years, and stacked them for every month of the year. We studied the seasonal variations of the noise cross correlation functions (NCFs) and we demonstrated that the amplitude of the NCFs is higher in winter than in summer. We applied the multiple filter technique (MFT - Dziewonski et al., 1969) to extract the group velocities of the surface wave fundamental-mode of the NCFs. Finally, we showed that, in case of similar travel paths, the dispersion curve of the Rayleigh wave generated by a crustal event and the dispersion curve of the NCF are comparable.