
Albania is one of the most seismically active countries in Europe. Most strong earthquakes have occurred in well-defined seismic belts (Altiner., et.al., 2006). Currently, the seismicity of Albania is characterized by low-energy earthquakes. Accurate assessment of seismoactive layer represents large interests depth concrete recognition of seismic energy generation. Shallow earthquake with smaller energy causes bigger damage than a deep earthquake with higher energy. In this study we presented the determination of seismoactive layers in seismogenic zones, which enable us to correct interpretations of Geodynamic phenomena of the Earth's crust. The database of this study are relocated earthquakes of period 2001-2010 that are in considerable numbers, and due to the digital equipment records errors in determining of the depths are less than 3 km (fig 1). Most seismic events across the country, in a period of time 2001-2010 have occurred in earth crust. By generalizing the data from the depths of earthquakes show that the seismoactive layers in Albania has the bottom to the depth from 20 to 30 km. These results are a first step towards more detailed seismotectonic analysis.


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