
The results of the technology experimental approbation of the satellite data processing and interpretation for the "direct" prospecting the ore minerals and water-bearing reservoirs are analyzed. They witness that technology allows finding and mapping operatively the anomalies of the "zone of ore mineralization" type, which are conditioned by the deposits of gold, uranium, zinc, iron, and etc. The satellite data processing results are analyzed in region of the ore deposits location in Ukraine, Republic of Kazakhstan, Russia, and etc. It is shown that the ore objects of small sizes (100-300 m) can be discovered and mapped when the vast scale (1:10000 and more large) and resolution satellite data processing and interpreting. The satellite data processing technology integration with ground-based methods of forming a short-pulsed electromagnetic field (FSPEF) and vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS) (FSPEF-VERS express-technology) enables to raise the efficiency of theses methods. Operative "satellite" technology of the ore prospects estimation can be used during reconnaissance examination of difficult of access and remote regions.


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