
This paper presents the results of a preliminary geophysical study – magnetometry - carried out at south of the Rio Grande do Sul State - Brazil. The study area near the Lavras do Sul town, is located 300 km from Porto Alegre city and 58 km from Caçapava do Sul. In this area mineralizations and ore deposits occurrences of gold. copper, pirite, iron and chrome are known and previously studied. Most of these ore associations were explored in the past and the gold ore mineralizations are related to granitic and volcanic rocks. The Cerro Rico Mine (Au and Ag) was discovered by the Brazilian Gold Field Ltd., being activated until 1915 thereafter the continuing exploration was performed by Estrada de Ferro e Minas São Jerônimo company. Two profiles A – B and C- D with residual data are shown and are related to the litologic and magnetic susceptibilities variations. Potential geophysical method such as magnetometry is a valuable tool in the understanding of structural trends and litologic limits. This study, currently in data acquisition also provides a better visualization allows a first aproach in the are and supports the visualization of new concepts and theories of the structural geology and mineralizations in this area.


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