
The numerical estimation of errors in the E and UT parameters calculation has been done, considering a disturbed period ocurred on March 5, 1989. First, the coupling parameter, E, for the growing phase and the total energy dissipated by the magnetosphere, UT, have been calculated, using Simpson numerical method. However, the obtained solutions using a numerical method are only approximations for the correct one. Several errors sources can be mentioned:l- errors in the model built starting from the original physical problem, 2- errors in the empirical formula obtained adjusting experimental data, which include errors in the instruments measurements and in the used constants, 3- errors inherent to the used numerical methods, and 4- errors introduced by the computers, known as representation errors. The estimation of the errors by the numerical approximation are calculated considering the Simpson method error formula.The experimental errors have been also estimated. The results for both estimations are of the same order of magnitude.


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