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Modeling the Effect of Decollement Levels on Style of Folded Structures, Application to the Zagros Folds
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 66th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2004, cp-3-00046
B038 MODELING THE EFFECT OF DECOLLEMENT LEVELS ON STYLE OF FOLDED STRUCTURES APPLICATION TO THE ZAGROS FOLDS 1 SHAHRAM SHERKATI 1 & JEAN LETOUZEY 2 1 National Iranian Oil Company Yaghma allay Jomhuri Ave. Tehran-Iran The geometry of the folds vary significantly in horizontal and vertical directions in Zagros orogenic belt despite having been subjected to a similar compressional regime. Structural style change from simple isopachly folded large anticlines to chevron type folds which cored by complex compressional structures and to small folds overlie widely spaced anticlines cut by major thrust faults. They show close relationship with different mechanical behavior