
G021 Effect of pore fluid on acoustic properties of chalk: AVO-response from oil South Arne field North Sea Abstract 1 EAGE 66th Conference & Exhibition — Paris France 7 - 10 June 2004 AUTHORS 1 2 3 1 1 PETER JAPSEN ANDERS BRUUN IDA L. FABRICIUS RASMUS RASMUSSEN OLE V. VEJBÆK JACOB 2 4 2 MØRCH PEDERSEN GARY MAVKO & CHRISTIAN MOGENSEN Address 1 Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) DK-1350 København K Denmark [email protected]. 2 Ødegaard A/S DK-2200 København N Denmark. 3 Technical University of Denmark (DTU) DK- 2800 Lyngby Denmark 4 Stanford University California 94305-2215 USA We


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