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Building a Complex 3-D Volume for Sub-Basalt Imaging
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 66th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2004, cp-3-00289
P041 BUILDING A COMPLEX 3-D VOLUME FOR SUB- BASALT IMAGING F.MARTINI 1 C.J. BEAN 1 AND R. HOBBS 2 Introduction 1 Seismology and Computational Rock Physics Lab. Geophysics Research Group Dept. of Geology University College Dublin Ireland 2 Department of Earth Science University of Durham The aim of this work was to create a realistic geological 3D model that would help in providing an overall assessment of the sub-basalt imaging problem through synthetic wave simulations. Accurate 3-D synthetic seismic and non-seismic data have been produced on the model and these data are to be used in developing strategies for data