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Velocity Volume and Time/Depth Conversion Approach during Girassol Field Development
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 66th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2004, cp-3-00433
Summary P216 Velocity Volume and Time/Depth Conversion approach during Girassol field development data come P. TURPIN* A. GONZALEZ-CARBALLO TOTAL FRANCE F. BERTINI F. LEFEUVRE TOTAL EP ANGOLA Depth Conversion has always been a problematic issue. The velocity model is the key link between the time and the depth world the seismic and the geological world. A true velocity model or depth model will never exist because « hard data » (i .e . wells with recorded velocity logs) are never covering the whole area of interest laterally and vertically. We are therefore challenged to produce our best estimation of this