
This paper describes ground penetrating radar technology developed by Beauchemin-BeatonLapointe. Inc. as a practical tool in the evaluation of bridge decks and pavements. Described in the paper is the radar equipment used by BBL which includes the 2.5 GHz "Hom Type Antenna" recently developed by GSSI, the sophisticated and state-of-the-art software developed in-house to acquire, process, analyze the data and to present the results in a practical format using AutoCADTM. compatible drawings. Also discussed is the inspection vehicle and set-up used to collect the radar data. Presented in the paper are certain results of an actual survey using the developed technology on the Jacques Cartier Bridge Deck in Montreal, pavement evaluation work performed and currently underway (thickness measurement and void detection) as well as the results of experimental tests performed at McGill University. Also described is the integration of BBL's radar technology with existing and complementary infrared thermography technology for bridge deck evaluation, which enables a complete integration of radar, infrared thermography, and standard video images in order to provide a complete and accurate assessment of bridge decks.


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