
The Camisea area in southern Peru has yielded several large discoveries in structural traps. 2D and 3D structural modeling and balancing are key to understanding the hydrocarbon discovery potential of this area, as well as evaluating specific prospects. In order to evaluate the potential of this sub-basin for new hydrocarbon discoveries, regionally consistent and balanced 2D structural sections set the framework for 3D visualization and balancing. Well and surface data also constrained the 3D model. The process of building a 3D model enhanced understanding of the structural development and hence the hydrocarbon potential of the basin. The process began with depth converting, consistently reinterpreting and balancing lines in 2D. The reinterpreted and balanced 2D sections provided a much improved understanding of potential trap volumes. The process of building the 3D model provided insights on fault linkages, terminations and timing of deformation in the region. Map view restoration of a key horizon yielded a consistent kinematic system for the deformation. The kinematic system is in accordance with the distinct strike of the two limbs (in map view) of the fold and thrust belt. The result of the balancing, modeling and structural analysis is a comprehensive and valid 3D model of the structural history and geometry. Hydrocarbon exploration in onshore frontier basins often focuses on reinterpreting subsurface data of a below average standard. Structural balancing in 2D and 3D provide reliable input for basin modeling, as well as an understanding of the regional structural framework and geometry.


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