
In many industrialized and developed countries, universities play a key leadership role in academic, research and innovation processes. The Colombia Hydrocarbon Agency (ANH) and the Colombia science foundation (COLCIENCIAS) created an initiative to develop a national Geoscience Laboratory network (RNLG). The RNLG is a technical system that integrates several laboratories belonging to twelve public and private institutions in the field of Geosciences, including universities (EAFIT, UCALDAS, UIS, UNAL, UNIANDES, and UPTC), private institutions (ICP) and public institutions (Colombian Geologic Survey and the Geographic Agustin Codazzi Institute). The integration of these entities allows the RNLG to develop technologies and applications in high priority earth science areas including regional geological analysis, thermocronological, paleomagnetic, bioestratigraphic, and geochemical studies, and remote sensing techniques. The RNLG´s mission is focused on establishing and consolidating high quality laboratories for teaching, research and extension, which in turn generates strategic alliances among its members, government and industry, for the understanding and evaluation of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon resources, in order to reduce uncertainty in decision-making in the development of the hydrocarbon sector. This will be reflected in encouraging private investment in the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the country.


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