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The area around Szerencs lies in the border of many landscape contacts, so it is characterised by morphological diversity. The city of Tokaj lies on the southern part of the Tokaj Mountains. The region lies between the Bodrog River and the Nagy Kopasz Hill, built up from andesite, and is therefore a geologically complex unit. Both sides of Nagy Kopasz Hill are volcano tectonically and geomorphologically structured lines. In the paper mainly Szerencs and Tokaj will be analyzed within their administrative boundaries, but also the wider environment will be mentioned. The area is bordered by Abaújdevecser to the north, Nyíregyháza to the east, Tiszaújváros to the south and Szikszó to the west (Figure 1). In the wider environment hundreds of wells and geological exploration drilling units have been installed. The 74 wells in which effluent water is over 20°C provide the main information for thermal water research. We collected many parameters of the wells (code, EOV coordinates, depth, temperature, filtering etc.). From these data we made the basic database. The major lukewarm and hot water wells are illustrated in Figure 1. From the wider environment we located a narrower area, where we made detailed research for Szerencs and Tokaj. This area is bordered by Tállya to the north, Prügy to the south, Mád to the east and Megyaszó to the west. On this map we marked the preliminary results of geophysical investigations, including the structural and the tectonic lines. Szerencs and Tokaj are in a hydrogeologically disadvantageous environment. In spite of this fact, we attempt to mark the places with hot water potential, which can be used for long-term hot water supply.