
Nitrogen injection into gas condensate or volatile oil fields has been practiced as a method of pressure maintenance as well as enhanced hydrocarbon recovery in Rocky Mountains for more than two decades. Reservoir management has experienced miscible displacement in the gas cap, reservoir pressure maintenance, and reservoir blow down in different fields. In the implementation of nitrogen injection, a tremendous amount of experiences on injection and reservoir performance had been accumulated without appropriate documentation. Furthermore, even though nitrogen injection has been widely used in the world to enhance recovery by miscible displacement or maintaining reservoir pressure, literature survey shows that the experience with nitrogen injection is sporadic. This paper reviews reservoir characteristics and summarizes the lessons learned from nitrogen injection all of the world; then focuses on Rocky Mountains reservoir management to further analyze its production and surveillance, reservoir development stages in the life of fields, and the relationship between the fields and processing facility. Compositional reservoir simulation was performed to study the enhanced hydrocarbon recovery by injecting nitrogen and use nitrogen breakthrough information across the field as a continuous tracer to study the well connectivity between the injector and producer pairs. The main contributions of the paper are that it highlights the accumulated experience associated with nitrogen injection, and provides information on amenable reservoir features which can be used to select nitrogen as a viable alternative for enhanced oil recovery purpose.


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