
Defined for the first time in an unpublished report by Demirtafll› (1967) the type section of the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation is located 1 km south of the Kataras› Village in the Tufanbeyli area. Özgül et al. (1973) studied this formation both in the Tufanbeyli and Naltafl areas and described the formation as consisting of two contrasting lithologies. Measuring 200 m in thickness, the unit starts at the base with quartz sandstones including pockets of bauxite and continues upward with a thick carbonate deposit rich in algae and foraminifera. According to Özgül et al. (1973) the formation rests on the older Paleozoic units with an unconformity and is overlain conformably by the Kataras› Formation consisting of argillaceous and silty limestones, claystones and shales. Özgül (1976) reillustrated the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation in the generalized columnar section of the Tufanbeyli region depicting the rocks of Cambrian to Eocene age as one of the reference sections of his Geyik Da¤› Unit largely exposed in the eastern Taurides. Özgül (1976) defined in the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation two distinct quartz sandstone levels, one at the bottom of the formation overlying the unconformity surface and the second as a layer intercalated within the carbonate rocks. Demirtafll› et al. (1978), mentioning about the type section of the formation measuring 800 m at Y›¤›l›tepe, described the base of the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation along the P›narbafl›-Sar›z road with a distinct bauxite level. According to these authors this lithology defines the unconformity between the Ziyarettepe Formation of Early Carboniferous age and the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation with well-bedded limestone levels intercalated with carbonaceous black shale partings. Demirtafll› et al. (1978) stated also that the Y›¤›l›tepe Limestone is unconformably overlain along this section by the Köro¤lu Tepe Limestone of Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age. The Y›¤›l›tepe Formation has been mapped and studied later in several different localities of the eastern Tauride autochthon including Gürün, Sar›z, De¤irmentafl, Tufanbeyli (Keklikoluk-Kataras›), Do¤anbeyli-Obruktafl, Naltafl, Saimbeyli, Himmetli-Ümmetufla¤›, Feke and Kozan areas (Kurtman, 1978; Zaninetti et al., 1981; Metin et al., 1983, 1986, 1990; Tutkun, 1984; Alt›ner, 1984; Yetifl, 1988; Atabey, 1993; Atabey et al., 1997; Demirel & Kozlu, 1997; Demirel, 2004; Özgül & Kozlu, 2002; Göncüo¤lu et al., 2004). Among these studies reporting only the known stratigraphic description of the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation Metin et al. (1983) gave more information about the type locality of the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation located 30 km southwest of the Town of Sar›z, close to the Kataras› Village. According to these authors, the formation, overlying the Gümüflali Formation of Late Devonian age, starts with a bauxitic level at the base and continues upward with well-bedded limestones intercalated with dark coloured shale beds. Apart from the routine paleontological identifications given in the fossil lists of most authors who mapped and studied the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation there are basically three important paleontological studies. Sakagami (1976) reported the bryozoa assemblages from the Saimbeyli area but without too much emphasis on the chronostratigraphic value of these fossils. The most important plaeontological study was carried out by Zaninetti et al. (1981) who studied four sections from the Naltafl area and described the foraminifers of the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation resting on the Ziyarettepe Formation of Mississippian age. These authors, after giving detailed taxonomical descriptions of foraminifera including biseriamminids, hemigordiopsids, pseudovidalinids, divided the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation into three chronostratigraphic intervals as Upper Murgabian (=Wordian), Capitanian/Djulfian (=Capitanian to Wuchiapingian) and Lower Dorashamian (=Lower Changhsingian). They considered a stratigraphic gap corresponding to the Late Changhsingian between the Y›¤›l›tepe Formation and the base of the Kataras› Formation of Early Triassic age.


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