
The Alpine geodynamics of the eastern Balkan Peninsula is determined by several episodes of extension and compression. After the final closing of the Vardar Ocean during the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene the main episode of compression and deformation in the Balkan FTB occurred in Middle Eocene time, creating a well expressed fold-thrust pattern. At this time the belt was overthrusted to the north on the Foreland (Moesian Platform). After this main episode of compression, excepting local thrusting in its easternmost part during the Oligocene, the frontal part of the belt was thought to be inactive. Since Late Eocene extension is the main form of deformation. The extension is spread between the Aegean subduction system to the south and the Moesian Platform (the southern edge of the Balkan Range) to the north. During the Neogene, extension has created numerous extensional continental basins (grabens) to the south of the Balkan Range. They occurred in several well distinguished consecutive stages of extension. Instead, to the north of the range was created the marine (Miocene) to brakish (Pliocene) basin which western part belonged to the Central Parathetys (Fore-Carpathian basin) and the eastern to the Eastern Parathetys (Euxinian) basin.


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