
The present work intends to contribute to the role of geophysical methods as a tool for groundwater exploration in a Basement Complex, geological transition zone and Sedimentary terrain. It will also enhance the understanding of the subsurface geology and establish possible variation in such geoelectrical parameters as we move from Basement Complex to Sedimentary terrain in the study areas. At present there is no available detailed geophysical and hydrogeological information on the study area and this could have been the main factor responsible for the failure of hand-dug wells and boreholes drilled in the area. The transition zone in the study area is defined between the exposed crystalline rocks in Akaka and some part of Ishara and the thick cover of sedimentary rocks most especially sandstones and very thick lateritic soil which overlie the Basement complex rocks in Ode-Remo, Ilara and Ishara.


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