
The Lezhe-Shkoder-Hani Hotit region takes part in the governmental perspective plans for<br>developing the tourism and it is also one of main priorities for developing the agriculture. Therefore the<br>exploration and discovering the aquiferous basins and estimating their potential especially for potable water<br>is an immediate geologic task.<br>The aquifer exploration in this regionis related with alluvial deposits of Quaternary and with carstic zones of<br>carbonates.<br>The Quaternary formations are represented by deluvialand aluvial deposits composed of argillaceous<br>gravelsand partly by limestone and dolomite blocks. The thickness of this formations is up to 100-120m<br>The geophysical surveys carried out with electrical soundings have provided considerable information on<br>lithology of the formations in the area and water-bearing potential as well.


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