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Earth’s crust physical – geometric modelling on the base of integrated geophysical techfiqucs
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, Geophysics of the 21st Century - The Leap into the Future, Sep 2003, cp-38-00293
In present paper are considered phisicol – geometrical modelling bases of the earth’s<br>crust for regional profile 1-EB with the use of combinate seismic prospekting (KWN - CMP and<br>RM-DSS), gravity and airmagnetic procpekting/ Integrated phisicogeometrical model<br>constracted on for geophisical techniques data bears witness about block – layer constration of<br>the earth’s crust and permit to direct three big geological structures. This integrated earth’s crust<br>model coincides also three big lateral blocks. Considered model allows to establish deep<br>characteristics which are perspective in mineragenetic relation. Crust wave’s was detected on<br>the depth’s interval from 8 km to 12 km, 22 km to 27 km and 23 km-34km.