
According to the available geological data the territory of North-Western Africa is a boundary<br>zone that is included in sub-latitudinal Mediterranean geosynclinal’s belt (Tethys), separating an ancient<br>European platform from the African one (Fig. 1). In North-Western Africa region, there are some<br>indications of the early dislocation of deposits of sub-latitudinal direction – the El-Graara fault and<br>geosynclinal’s Precambrian provinces advancing to the north of this fault (Chapochnicov, 1983). The<br>ledges of the granite-gneiss basement of Baikal age corresponding to the stratigraphic interval of the late<br>Precambrian are in some places found within the limits of Central Meseta and the High Atlas mountains<br>(Morin, 1962). There are two theories concerning the age of the most ancient granite-gneiss basement in<br>the territory of North-Western Africa. According to the first version this basement belongs to the late<br>Precambrian period (Demenitskaya, 1967) or even to Archean (Demati, 1972). According to the second<br>theory the granite-gneiss basement is younger and consists of the rocks of the first half of late<br>Proterozoic. Let's try to evaluate the correctness of one of the theories.


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