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The Barzan Onshore Project is being developed by Barzan Gas Company Limited, a joint venture between Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil Barzan Limited, with RasGas assigned to develop and operate the facilities on completion. The Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) work is being carried out by JGC as the prime contractor. JGC has subcontracted the construction execution of the work to eight major sub-contractors. The project has achieved over 90 Million Safe Man-hours since July 2012 when the one lost time incident project to date occurred. The workforce is approaching 29,000 persons from multiple countries. The paper describes the overall SHE&S Management System as a three-tier model based on the EPC contract in which there are 211 SHE&S contract-related deliverables (in eight general categories) measured monthly via the SHE&S Work Activities Schedule. The system pertains to all parties (RasGas, JGC, sub-contractors, vendors, suppliers, et al.) and this rigorous monthly accounting helps drive overall SHE&S performance. The contract combines a highly prescriptive as well as goalsetting approach, which to date has delivered a great foundation to build and sustain SHE&S performance at site. Within the paper, some of the key leading and lagging indicators are reviewed to demonstrate the correlation between the scope of work, stage of project execution, progress and key injury trends occurring at the site. The indicators are actively utilised on the project, especially the leading indicators to drive and sustain SHE&S performance. Six stellar areas and six challenging areas are also reviewed. The stellar areas demonstrate some of the key best practices that are implemented on the project and are producing strong results. The six challenging areas demonstrate some of the complex problems on the project and the methods that are used to improve these problem areas and help ensure that sufficient risk reduction measures and actions are being implemented. Overall SHE performance on the project continues to be strong although there are daily challenges. These challenges are overcome by a strong management commitment as well as a worker-focused programme that continually demonstrates care and concern for the project’s most valuable asset, the workforce.