
Training is a major challenge in oil &gas companies because of the rich diversity of cultures and generations. Since our aim is to provide the same skill development opportunities to every Total employee, we need to develop a worldwide access to quality training that is up to our standards. The expected high rate of seniors’ retirement imposes the need to find ways of preserving departing experience. Our technical studies are complex and use concepts and tools that rapidly develop with time. Training must address these issues, and be provided faster and at lower cost. Traditional classroom courses need to be reconsidered in the light of these requirements and of the development of new technologies, as far as computing and pedagogical aspects are concerned. Furthermore, Total has developed a personalized internal apprenticeship and a training path, supported all along the career, which combines technical and personal development. The search for fit-for-purpose new ways of training leads us to promote: - Distance learning studios to share specialists’ know-­‐how (e.g. distant coaching from our Headquarters Training rooms), - Course capturing and broadcasting to build on experts’ experience (e.g. preserving the knowledge of departing seniors), - New in-­‐the-­‐field geosciences pedagogy with interactive tools (e.g. richmedia resources to enrich courses on the field), - Immersive training techniques to become operational more quickly (e.g. interactive drilling rig) - Fast learning modules (e.g. e-­‐learning) monitored on in-­‐house training platform. In other words we are experiencing a revolution in training content and training media. The learning process is based more and more on “real life” situations and modular courses to gain in flexibility. The presentation gives detailed and practical examples of these new tools that are targeted towards our geosciences technical staff worldwide.


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