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Rock Physics Perturbational Modeling - Carbonate Case Study, an Intracratonic Basin Northwest/Saharan Africa
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, Jun 2013, cp-348-00745
- ISBN: 978-90-73834-48-4
We present an innovative methodology to conduct a rock-physics based perturbational modeling of synthetic seismograms appropriate for tight reservoir rocks. It consists of perturbing the rock’s fluid and solid constituent volumes at each well-log depth, and estimating the elastic properties of the perturbed rock. The properties of the mineral constituents and their uncertainties are known fairly well and are kept constant along the entire depth interval. The fluid properties are changed as physical conditions vary. The properties of the perturbed rocks are estimated using an appropriate effective medium approximation. The properties can be upscaled to seismic wavelengths and synthetic CMP-gathers can be calculated and compared with measured gathers at well locations. The simulated gathers can be used to interpret measured gathers, in terms of rock fabric parameters. Meticulous perturbations allow us to produce a set of seismic signatures and crossplots of elastic properties, as each model parameter is changed, mimicking properties away from well locations. This approach can be used to better select suitable seismic attributes techniques to be applied in the area. In this scenario, expectations for hydrocarbon discovery and quantification increase. This approach was applied successfully to a carbonate well data set from an intracratonic basin northwest-saharan, Africa.