
The fully coupled methane hydrate model developed in Cambridge was adopted in this numerical study on gas production trial at the Eastern Nankai Trough, Japan 2013. Based on the latest experimental data of hydrate soil core samples, the clay parameters at Eastern Nankai site were successfully calibrated. With updated clay parameters and site geometry, a 50 days gas production trail was numerically simulated in FLAC2D. The geomechanical behaviour of hydrate bearing sediments under 3 different depressurization strategies were explored and discussed. The results from both axisymmetrical and plane-strain models suggest, the slope of the seabed only affects mechanical properties while no significant impact on the dissociation, temperature and pore pressure. For mechanical deformation after PT recovery, there are large settlements above the perforation zone and small uplift underneath the production zone. To validate the fully coupled model, numerical simulation with finer mesh in the hydrate production zone was carried out. The simulation results suggest good agreement between our model and JOE’s results on history matching of gas and water production during trial. Parameter sensitivity of gas production is also investigated and concluded the sea water salinity is a dominant factor for gas production.


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