
New core description (MJ-29), pressure data and log correlation has been interpreted to further characterise the Mishrif Fm. at Majnoon field and it’s impact on future waterflooding: 1. Cemented layers at parasequence tops and/or flooding surface mudstones form pressure baffles/barriers between Mishrif and Ahmadi parasequences. Implications for waterflood: Parasequences act as separate drainage units. Non uniform pressure depletion at end of depletion phase. During waterflood, most water may be diverted to higher perm depleted layers, resulting in poor vertical sweep efficiency. 2. High perm layers in mA and mB2.1 are laterally extensive throughout the field. Implications for waterflood: Selective perforation strategy in water injectors may be required to avoid high perm zones and improve vertical sweep efficiency. 3. Khasib B in pressure communication with Mishrif and Ahmadi. Implications for waterflood: Opportunity to develop Khasib B together with Mishrif/Ahmadi reservoirs 4. Deterioration of net thickness from west to east. Implications for waterflood: Expected recovery per well is likely to be poorer on eastern flank. Waterflood in the flanks may warrant different strategies. 5. Significant lateral porosity variation along field crest Implications for waterflood: Different areas of Mishrif may warrant different pattern configuration.


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