
Issues related to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) includes technical, economic, and public acceptance challenges. Only though field scale demonstration projects can industry address these challenges in preparation for commercial deployment. The capture component takes place at the James M. Barry Electric Generating Plant in Bucks, Alabama utilizing capture technology licensed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America. CO2 captured at the plant is being transported by pipeline for underground storage in a deep, saline geologic formation within the Citronelle Dome located in Citronelle, Alabama. A 12-mile pipeline was constructed to transport CO2 to the injection site located on the flank of Citronelle Dome. Operations started in 2012, up to 550 metric tons of CO2 per day, the equivalent emissions from 25 MW of the plant’s capacity are being captured. To date over 160 metric tons of CO2 have been captured and over 65,000 metric tons have been injected for storage. The injection target is the lower Cretaceous Paluxy Formation (a sandstone saline reservoir) which occurs at a depth of 2,865 meters (9,400 feet). Transportation and injection operations will continue for one to two years. Subsurface monitoring will be deployed through 2017 to track plume movement and monitor for leakage.


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