
Mitigations of anthropogenic GHG demand developments of renewable energy resources. These energy resources are intermittent and need buffer storage to bridge the time-gap between production and demand peaks. North German Basin has a very large capacity for CAES in porous saltwater aquifers and salt cavities (natural and artificial). Replacement of brine by compressed gas in saline formations cause strong changes in electrical resistivity and density, and therefore justify the application of geoelectrics, electromagnetics and gravity etc. In this study we study the applicability of these geophysical techniques in mapping CAES reservoirs (pore and cavern) in the underground of NW Germany. Our constrained techniques of electric resistivity tomography in boreholes are able to highly resolve the unusual problem of super resistive air caverns within the extreme resistive salt rocks. For gravity techniques, we could determine the lowest detectable mass deficit and offset of double caverns (2-fold their depth) in the underground resulting from pore and salt cavern CAES at some study sites.


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