oa Is It The Rock or The Frac? Shale Reservoir Quality and Production Performance
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, AAPG/EAGE Workshop on Tight Reservoirs in the Middle East, Oct 2013, cp-366-00015
- ISBN: 978-90-73834-62-0
Post frac production performance from source rock reservoirs varies significantly between various formations, regionally within a shale formation, and even within a field area. Are these variances caused by differences in reservoir quality, stimulation efficiencies, or both? In order to understand this problem and manage well performance expectations, it is essential to determine the key reservoir quality parameters that correlate with production performance, and be able to evaluate the stimulation efficiency. By benchmarking reservoir quality to production performance, underperforming wells can be identified and the stimulation can then be optimized. This is best accomplished by evaluating a number of cored vertical pilot wells and their corresponding laterals.