oa Reservoir Characteristics of Four Key Turbidite Depositional Facies
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, EAGE/AAPG Workshop on Basin-Margin Wedge Exploration Plays, Nov 2013, cp-370-00011
- ISBN: 978-90-73834-65-1
Short Abstract: “Reservoir Characteristics of Four Key Turbidite Depositional Facies”. John R. Dribus, Deposition of turbidite sediments can be divided into four distinct depositional members: the Upper Fan is comprised of a proximal canyon geometry, filled with highly amalgamated channels with little to no levee development. The Middle Fan develops at the toe of slope and is characterized by extensive aggrading channel levee systems which may be amalgamated at the central channel axis, but grade outward from the proximal levee to distal layered overbank facies. The Lower Fan member is comprised of unconfined massive to channelized amalgamated to layered sheets comprising the basin floor fan complex. These sheets are often comprised of numerous Bouma ab sequences forming a massive reservoir unit with excellent lateral continuity and rock volume. The fourth member of the system is the Mass Transport Complex (MTC) which forms along the slope away from the incised canyon systems and present a series of geometries ranging from slides and rafts, to slumps, to debris flows. These four depositional members comprise the laterally emplaced members of the turbidite system, and are often intercalated with very to ultra-fine-grained ductile pelagic mud condensed section.