
The use of geothermal energy through implementation of low enthalpy geothermal production systems for both electricity and heating has been growing rapidly in Europe. Geothermal activities can take considerable advantage of a wealth of existing oil and gas data. It is a major challenge to put this data and derived subsurface structural, temperature, and flow property models available to the geothermal community and to facilitate in quantitative assessment of geothermal potential of targeted areas, for both heat and electricity production (EGS) . In order to face this challenge, TNO has developed a public web-based 3D information system connected to a geothermal performance assessment tool. The public information system (thermoGIS) includes high resolution 3D geological models covering the complete onshore of the Netherlands, outlining key geothermal reservoirs and allowing to assess relevant parameters and underlying uncertainties therein. Users can obtain key reservoir parameters, and underlying uncertainties at any location and for any reservoir. In an automated workflow these parameters are fed into the performance assessment tool, in order to assess the probability of success to meet minimum requirements on key performance indicators. The use of the ThermoGIS will aid exploration business decisions and Dutch governmental institutions, law makers and insurance companies.


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