f Arctic Oil and Gas Potential in a Global Perspective
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 69th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2007, Jun 2007, cp-27-00007
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-54-2
A009 Arctic Oil and Gas Potential in a Global Perspective D.L. Gautier* (USGS) SUMMARY EAGE 69 th Conference & Exhibition — London UK 11 - 14 June 2007 The Arctic is known to hold the world’s largest hydrocarbon province the West Siberian Basin and several other demonstrated world-class basins as well (Timan- Pechora North Slope Norwegian Sea). Other Arctic provinces also have significant potential but high costs and engineering complexity have been barriers to exploration and development. The Arctic remains largely unexplored with respect to petroleum and extreme geologic uncertainty characterizes the resource potential of the entire region. Standard tools