
I026 Geo to Flow – Linking Multiscale Digital Outcrop Libraries to Dynamic Reservoir Behaviour A.W. Martinius* (Statoil ASA) C. Elfenbein T. Jacobsen K.J. Keogh (Statoil ASA) S. Morriss (Statoil ASA) K. Nordahl (Statoil ASA) A. Næss (Statoil ASA) & P.S. Ringrose (Statoil ASA) SUMMARY EAGE 69 th Conference & Exhibition — London UK 11 - 14 June 2007 Summary Collection and application of digital outcrop data should be related to predefined scales of geological heterogeneities that characterise a depositional or structural system. The data should be processed and analysed appropriately to realize their potential. In the context of integrated subsurface


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