
P333 Localization of Seismic Sources Using the Seismic Emission Tomography Y.I. Kolesnikov* (Institute of Petroleum Geology & Geophysics SB RAS) A. F. Emanov (Institute of Petroleum Geology & Geophysics SB RAS) E.A. Khogoev (Institute of Petroleum Geology & Geophysics SB RAS) & M.V. Dontsov (Institute of Petroleum Geology & Geophysics SB RAS) SUMMARY Iterative algorithm of seismic emission tomography was tested on the data of physical modeling and fullscale experiment. Also it was used for processing the records of several aftershocks of Altai earthquake (27.09.2003 MS=7.3). The results of physical modeling and full-scale experiment showed that the method of the


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