f The EU Research Strategy for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Conversion
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 68th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2006, Jun 2006, cp-2-00029
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-00-9
The research strategy put in place by the Directorate General for Research of the European Commission in the field of the mitigation of CO2 emissions is first placed in the general context of the Commission energy policies. These actions are addressing the climate change issue, the introduction of renewable energy sources, the security of energy supply, the promotion of energy efficiency and the opening of energy markets.<br><br>The research policy of the Commission is mainly the European Research Area concept and its number one instrument, the Framework Programmes for research and technological development. The rational and the analysis supporting the ERA will be covered, as well as the structure and the new implementation modalities of the Framework Programme. Initial ideas for the 7th framework programme covering the years 2006-2013 will be debated.<br><br>CO2 capture and sequestration projects are organised to fit into the above-mentioned research policy, while contributing to the successful deployment of the Commission energy policies. These projects represent a portfolio of the order of 140 m€ of research and technological development.<br><br>Future perspectives, in particular in view of initiatives in the international arena and the Zero Emission Power Technology Platform, are finally outlined, addressing the need for an integrated European approach to develop and demonstrate CO2 capture and storage technologies for the benefit of the European citizens, industry and society.<br>