
Two 3-D multicomponent datasets were acquired in Western Siberia and analyzed. The same type of digital 3-C accelerometers used for data recording were used with different types of sources (dynamite and VibroSeis). Data analysis suggests that the source and near surface conditions can impact the quality of recorded converted wave data, while the vertical P-wave component is of a high quality and equally interpretable when compared to geophone data acquired in the same area. Absorbing properties of the overburden in Western Siberia limit frequencies of converted waves up to 20-30 Hz depending on intensity of near-surface frost penetration. Therefore, an adequate effort should be spent on generating low frequencies in the source’ spectrum. Production sweeps rarely start below 10 Hz due to equipment restrictions and applied sweep tapers further reduce full energy effort spent on low frequencies. Absence of low frequencies in the source manifests itself by a very narrow frequency spectrum of converted waves in the data acquired with VibroSeis. Although, during processing and utilizing data rotation (data were recorded with 3-C digital sensors) the quality of C-wave stacks were improved.


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