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A geophysical survey was performed in the Dead Sea costal area of Israel and Jordan. It was carried out in framework of NATO project SfP N° 981128. The goal was trying to understand the processes of sinkholes development caused by the fresh water flow towards the Dead Sea. For that, the Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) method was applied. <br>Our results reveal a very heterogeneous aquifer with two orders of the transmissivity variation around the investigated area that could be divided into two parts. In the northern part, the aquifer allows intensive circulation of groundwater. It was identified as a karst aquifer thus validating the salt dissolution mechanism of sinkholes development known from the literature. In the southern part, the subsurface is composed of compact clay-type material with low hydraulic conductivity. Development of the karst was not observed. <br>Basing on MRS results, we suggest that development of the karst in the northern part have changed the local hydraulic gradient and consequently, smaller amount of water is flowing towards the south. Change of the water path may explain why these sinkholes are slowing down their development while in the northern part they continue growing up. <br>