oa Геофизические идеи по поводу активного тектонического контакта разлома Peceneaga - Camena
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 11th EAGE International Conference on Geoinformatics - Theoretical and Applied Aspects, May 2012, cp-334-00121
- ISBN: 978-94-6282-075-3
The paper mainly deals with results of the research project INRAF, a joint venture of the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy (IGAR) and Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IG‐NASU) dedicated to the study of some active faults located in the Black Sea NW inland. Starting from a large geological and geological database additional field observations were conducted within the Peceneaga‐Camena Fault (PCF) segment where a geodynamic observatory run by IGAR is located. Based on the magnetic properties contrast between the PCF flanks, high accuracy ground geomagnetic investigations were successfully conducted for revealing the path and in‐depth structure within the fault segment where the Baspunar Geodynamic Permanent Station monitor slip along the fault. 2D modeling was used to construct tentativeinterpretative models of the fault. The lack of magnetic properties along PCF path has been interpreted in geodynamic terms. Therefore, indirect evidence on the PCF active nature is provided, in full agreement with geodesy and geochemistry observations.