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Reservoir Geology of the Utsira Sand in the Southern Viking Graben Area - a Site for Potential CO2 Storage
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 62nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition - Special Session on CO2, May 2000, cp-103-00004
- ISBN: 978-94-6282-117-0
Since October 1996 Statoil has started to inject CO2 coming kom the Sleipner Vest Fieldin the<br>southem Viking Graben area into a saline aquifer at a depth of approximately 900 m. This is the<br>first case of industrial scale CO2 storage in the world (1 million tons per year). Careful monitoring<br>of the behavior of the storage facility is hence required. To this end different time-lapse seismic<br>surveys have been planned (presented in a companion paper: Brevik et al., this volume). In this<br>paper the interpretation of the base survey acquired before injection is presented. The most likely<br>pathways for CO2 migration in the vicinity of the injection point have been indicated