
The multi-electrode electrical resistivity method has become one of the most efficient geophysical methods used in a wide range of applications, which is also suitable when disturbances in the ground are to be avoided. The selection of the right electrode configuration can provide better effectiveness, depending on the target being investigated. In this work a case of the use of three electrode arrays for vertical quartz vein localization is presented. The investigations were carried out within the framework of a multi disciplinary research and training programme funded by Sida/SAREC, with the aim of mapping groundwater systems in an area contaminated by mining activities. The study area is close to the village Santo Domingo, central Nicaragua, were gold mining has been an important economic activity for over 140 years. Three Continuous Vertical Electrical Soundings (CVES) were performed crossing El Cuatro gold-bearing quartz vein. This is one of the more representative geological structures in the area because of its characteristic tectonic settings, steep topography and its hydrogeological significance for groundwater occurrence.


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