f True Amplitude 3D Model Based Migration
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, EAGE/SEG Workshop - Depth Imaging of Reservoir Attributes, Aug 1998, cp-54-00014
- ISBN: 978-94-6282-122-4
The proposed reflector migration is a fast and accurate prestack depth migration designed for interval velocity and depth interface determination and for AVO analysis. The output of the migration consists of CRP gathers in windows centered at the reflecting horizons (CRP migrated panels) and the corresponding CRP ray paths for the given output offsets. Related approaches for 2D data were described in a patent by Johnson (1990), Landa and Sorin (1993) and Kosloffet et. al. (1995). This work is designed for 3D complex geological structures with a special treatment for obtaining true amplitude reflection events.