oa Generalized Well Models for Accurate Coarse Grid Simulation of Coning Processes
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, ECMOR V - 5th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Sep 1996, cp-101-00015
- ISBN: 3-9500542-0-0
The paper identifies mechanisms reducing the accuracy of coarse grid coning simulations, and demonstrates remedies: A generalized weIl model increases the accuracy of the pressure solution in the vicinity of a well, and reacts to repositioning of the well inside the weIlblock. VE capillary pressure pseudos correct for underestimation of gravity forces. Together, these two techniques provide for dramatically improved simulation accuracy in a 2D threephase test problem with a horizontal well, in particular if the weIl is located centrally in the wellblock, or moved upwards or downwards from that position.