f Paleoclimate reconstractions on the base of geothermal borehole data for Russian Platform
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 4th EEGS Meeting, Sep 1998, cp-43-00083
- ISBN: 978-94-6282-127-9
Collection and analysis of temperature logs for different regions of the former USSR could be the basis for geothermal mapping of territories connected with possibility of radioactive wastes disposal investigation and for future monitoring of burial areas. Geothermal data base of the Scientific Council on Geothermal Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences includes sorne thousandes of temperature logs for different regions of the former USSR. The temperature logs have been combined from 1930 on the base of geothermal measurements in hydrogeological and oil boreholes. Not all regions are investigated quite weIl. The temperature logs quality is different for different areas. The lithological columns and hydrogeological regime description exist not for all territories.