
Subsurface heterogeneity, i.e. the spatial variability of porous rock properties such as porosity or hydraulic conductivity, plays an important role in the spreading of a solute in the subsurface. A few highly-conductive zones may dominate the overall flow regime. Due to drilling costs the number of boreholes drilled to investigate an area is limited leading to uncertainties in determining the hydraulic properties and in resolving structures relevant for subsurface solute movement. A detailed subsurface characterization is however of vital importance for clean up technologies: for instance the efficiency and effectiveness of a "funnel & gate"-systems is dependent on its optimal positioning. It is shown, that high-resolution measurements such as seisinic and electric tomography can be used to identify hydraulic subsurface structures. For the problem of inversion of hydraulic properties and related subsurface structures a new formalism based on multivariate statistics is proposed.


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