f Integrated studies to locate granite - related SN/W/AS/AU mineralization in the El Mato prospect, Central-Southern Spain
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 54th EAEG Meeting, Jun 1992, cp-45-00313
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-04-7
The EI Moto prospect lies within the Almaden area of central-southern Spain. Here, two sedimentary cycles (Precambrian and Paleozoic) can be differentiated and two tectonic episodes identified (Precambrian and Hercynian). During the Paleozoic era two igneous events occurred, Silurian volcanism and Hercynian plutonism. Sn/W/As/Au mineralisation is related to late-stage differentiates of the latter south of Almaden, although no active workings for these metals are recorded within the study area. Pliocene fan conglomeraten, up to 40m in thickness, cover wide areas including much of the EI Moto prospect.