f Optimum acquisition and processing for seismic reflection techniques for extractive industries
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 53rd EAEG Meeting, May 1991, cp-42-00291
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-03-0
Seismic reflection is a highly desirable tool for exploration for the extractive industries due to the combination of good vertical resolution with the ability to image complex structures. The disadvantages are equally apparent, high cost, complexity and delay in receiving processed sections. In addition, the technique is not weIl understood in the extractive industries and has areputation for uncertain results. Our work at Leicester has been directed towards investigating the applicability of the reflection method to a variety of geological environments, and of clearly defining the optimum acquisition and processing techniques for this type of data. With this knowledge we can develop a total system which optimises field acquisition and provides in-field processing and section display.