
In the following case study, cross-well seismic tomography was used to image both structural and stratigraphic features in Gulf Coast Miocene sediments. A piezoelectric downhole source was used to produce seismic waves which were recorded by hydrophones between wells 250 apart. Traveltime tomography was then applied to a set of over 5000 picks. In addition to the targeted fault delineation, the tomography successfully imaged a number of porous sandstone layers previously identified from type logs for the Miocene. Two different methods of traveltime picking and tomographic inversion were used. The two resulting velocity tomograms show similar velocity variations that lead to a consistent geological interpretation. Borehole gravity meter (BHGM) data, obtained in both wells following the tomographic survey, were used to associate densityvariations with the velocity features imaged by the tomography. The lD BHGM-derived low density zones were found to coincide with the 2D seismically imaged low velocity zones, thus supporting the identification of porous sandstone layers.


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