

Patom Highland is located in the Bodaybinsky region of the Irkutsk region. Its geological structure is studied unevenly. The question of a ratio of the Siberian platform and its folded frame constantly was a discussion subject, and its borders repeatedly moved.

Degree of study of Patom Highland, regarding an assessment of prospects of oil-and-gas content, very low. But it is possible to use all-geological data to make general idea about possible prospects of this region on oil and gas.

Proceeding from them it is possible to tell that the region of Patom Highland is a typical sedimentary and pedigree pool which oil-and-gas content isn't proved by opening of fields yet. In this area it is still not drilled any deep well. There are no data on natural exits to a surface of gas, oil and bitumens. Despite low geological study we consider this area perspective on detection of oil and gas fields. Here the gray and dark gray clay and carbonate thicknesses containing the scattered organic substance which passed all stages of a katagenez are very widely developed. These deposits are potentially oil and gas maternal


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