
The Eastern Siberia territory is not investigated enough by geophysical methods. Today, we have not a whole picture of geological structure of this region. The seismic explorations on the geological-geophysical survey 3-DV “Scovorodino-Tommot-Khandyga-Myakit” have proceeded since 2008. This article describes results of the data processing which are derived by deep seismic sounding (DSS), (3-DV, southern and central part). The systems of traveltime curves and wavefields t(x, l-const) are obtained by point sounding technique. The purpose of DSS processed data is seismic model. The model illustrates location and relief of a main seismic boundaries and deep faults including the upper mantle. Moreover it shows complex block structure of the earth’s crust. Previous seismic studies in the vicinity of the Baikal have shown that the main rift-forming fault and its probable extension run along intermountain areas named the Baikalian-type troughs and crosses the survey 3-DV within the deep fault zone. The constructed seismic model evidences the Moho uplift, which corresponds to the intermountain troughs along which the main rift-forming fault is located. Relief map of Moho discontinuity of Siberian Platform was updated and enlarged thanks to this model.


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