
Passive seismic monitoring is a conventional technique used for mapping hydraulic fracturing treatment assuming that microseismic events occur due to fracture development. These events are usually located using a velocity model derived from sonic logs or perforation shots. Instead of fixing the model we make it also a parameter of inversion while locating the events, and also make it anisotropic (HTI). Such model could be the simplest one for description of azimuthally anisotropic formations. We show advantages of applying such an idea on synthetic data set for homogeneous HTI model and show failure of using isotropic models in this case. Use of isotropic model can lead to biased event locations that shift apparent fracture geometry away from its true position. Used approach not only makes it possible to more accurately predict traveltimes of the recorded waves but it also results in a better event locations. All anisotropic parameters of HTI model appeared to be well constrained by the inversion including accurate estimate of the symmetry axis azimuth. Estimated anisotropic HTI parameters can provide an engineer some additional valuable information as these parameters are usually related to rock physics, lithology, internal fractures etc.


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