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Нефтегазогенерационный потенциал юрских отложений Баренцевоморского шельфа
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, Geomodel 2012 - 14th EAGE science and applied research conference on oil and gas geological exploration and development, Sep 2012, cp-308-00068
- ISBN: 978-90-73834-36-1
The evaluation of oil and gas generation potential of all series of the Jurassic system has been accomplished based on geochemical investigation of outcrop samples from the Svalbard and Franz-Josef Land Archipelagoes and core samples from the Barents Sea wells. Besides the already proven Upper Jurassic source rocks, the shaly interlayers within the Lower-Middle Jurassic strata with considerable concentrations of the organic matter have been identified. In the SE part of the Barents Sea these rocks have good source rock properties. The Lower-Middle Jurassic shalestones from the northern Archipelagoes are characterized by low hydrocarbon index and generation potential and cannot be considered as source rocks. The authors tried to determine regularities in changes of kerogen type, generation potential and maturity of organic matter in the Jurassic rocks